yarra vascular surgeons in Bendigo Health
  • Jun 17, 2020
  • Dr David Goh
  • News

For theatre staff, anaesthetists, surgeons and all those who change into scrubs and work in the operating theatres – the theatre tea room has a special place; A zen temple if you like where one can unwind, reflect and re-energise before focusing on the next operation.

Nothing gives one’s sense of belonging in a tea room than to have a designated tea cup!  That designated vascular surgeon’s tea cup at Bendigo Hospital Operating Theatre is celebrating its second anniversary this week.

It all started two years ago when Mr David Goh and Mr Iman Bayat of Yarra Vascular Surgeons (YVS) commenced a dedicated vascular and endovascular service at Bendigo Health. In the last two years, YVS have increased the complexity of cases done at Bendigo health, helped develop the Renal Vascular MDT clinic and offered patients ‘one stop-shop’ ultrasound and consultation review clinics. To meet the ever increasing demand, Mr Shrikkanth Rangarajan joined the service in 2019. In addition to the public outpatients, we also now have private consulting in Bendigo, which in essence means we are able to provide a service in Bendigo on a weekly basis

Back to the cup in the tea room, a quote that reads “If anything is worth doing, do it with all your heart” . This quote has been a pleasant reminder with each cup of tea that we must offer our patients the best care possible and do so wholeheartedly.

Next step will see YVS supporting the endocrine team at Bendigo Health in the development of a formal high risk foot service and we can’t wait.

We look forward to offering many years of service to the Bendigo community and its surrounds.

Warmest regards,

The Yarra Vascular Team


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